Nikko Asset Management GoalsGetter KiwiSaver Scheme
You no longer have to put all your KiwiSaver investments in one manager's basket.
Most of New Zealand's KiwiSaver Schemes only invest in funds managed by the provider offering the scheme. Nikko AM's version of KiwiSaver allows you to spread your KiwiSaver investment amongst a number of different investment managers.
So rather than all your KiwiSaver being managed by one investment manager you can spread your investments amongst up to six different managers. The old adage "don't put all your eggs in one basket" applies. This gives you flexibility.
At any given time different fund managers may have different investment profiles. One manager's portfolio might have 95% in growth assets and 5% in income assets whilst another might have 80% growth assets and 20% in income assets. These two managers will have different views on the outlook for the two investment categories. Some investment managers have a good track record in one area of investing such as New Zealand shares but not so good in another area such as global fixed interest.
With Nikko AM's Goals Getter KiwiSaver Scheme you can mix and match the funds to suit you. And by varying the relative proportions of the various funds you can build your own diversified fund.
This approach also allows you to spread your investment in a particular class of securities such as global equities amongst more than one one manager.
The Nikko GoalsGetter KiwiSaver Scheme offers a selection of high quality, hand picked finds from a number of New Zealand's leading fund managers, including Generate, Harbour, Milford Pathfinder and Salt as well as Nikko AM's own funds.
You can view their videos on Nikko's YouTube GoalsGetter channel. or a selection below.
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