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Thanks for completing the KiwiSaver Fact Find

What happens next?

The system will send us an email telling us you've completed the Fact Find.

Then we will:

  1. Review the information you've provided and update any changes required in our systems.
  2. Review your answers for reasonableness and contact you if we have any questions.
  3. Complete the next steps required and get back to you within five business days.

If you haven't heard from us within seven days or if you have any questions now please contact us by email at or by phone on 07 578 3863.

Feel free to browse the rest of our site. Here are some more articles about KiwiSaver you may find interesting:

KiwiSaver is operated by Bay Financial Partners Limited  and is not endorsed by, or affiliated with, the government or Inland Revenue. Bay Financial Partners Limited is using the KiwiSaver trade mark and logo under licence from Inland Revenue. To view the official New Zealand government KiwiSaver website, please click here.

KiwiSaver, Retirement

  • Last updated on .