Investment Providers We Use
We use many Investment Providers
We don't believe that there is any investment product provider that meets all the needs of all our clients.
We believe that it is wise to spread your risk amongst more than one provider. We don't understand how a financial adviser can in good conscience only offer products from one provider. For example some of the KiwiSaver providers don't offer a cash fund. If you are hoping to use your KiwiSaver for a deposit to buy a house within the next year a cash fund may be exactly where your KiwiSaver money should be.
A "Distribution Agreement " with a company that offers investment products allows us to promote their products and offer them to our clients. It usually gives us access to marketing collateral and information. Usually it allows us to deal with that company on behalf of our client.
Sometimes the product provider will pay us if one of our clients use their product. The payment may be paid upfront when the initial investment is made or as a regular amount paid for the period the investment remains. Usually these amounts are a percentage of the amount invested.
Some product providers rely solely on financial advisers like ourselves to promote their products, others market directly to the public and have no distribution agreements, and there are those who do both. Some product providers, like the banks, have their own in house financial advisers but also use independent advisers.
There are funds we like that are from providers that don't have in place distribution agreements with us or anyone else, If we think that fund will suit your needs we may still help you invest in them.
We don't just look at the performance of the funds, we also look at the people involved and the systems they have in place for dealing with clients.
Below are some of the Investment Product providers we use:
ANZ Investments
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.10%
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: Yes
ASX - Australian Securities Exchange
Maximum Initial Payment: 1.50%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
First Mortgage Managers
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.15%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
Fisher Funds Management
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: None
Ongoing Servicing Payment: Growth Fund 0.25%, Other Funds 0.10%
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: Yes
Generate Investment Management
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: $40 - $240
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.25%
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: Yes
Harbour Asset Management
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: Yes
Ongoing Servicing Payment: KiwiSaver 0.20%, TDs and Managed Funds 1.15%
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: Yes
Jarden Limited
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: Brokerage is based on the value of the transaction: $0 - $5,000 = $75.00; $5,001 - $10,000 = 1.5%; $10,001 - $100,000 1.0%; over $100,000 0.8%. Plus $5.50 per transaction Trade Fee. There may be additional document handling fees on unlisted and foreign securities.
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
Magellan Financial Group
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
Milford Funds
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: Yes
Offers KiwiSaver?: Yes
Mint Asset Management
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: Nil
Ongoing Servicing Payment: Nil
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: Yes
NZX - New Zealand's Exchange
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: 1.50%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
Pengana Capital
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
Platinum Asset Management
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
PM Capital
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
PMG Property Funds Management
New Zealand
Maximum Initial Payment: 0.00%
Ongoing Servicing Payment: 0.00%
Distribution Agreement?: No
Offers KiwiSaver?: No
- Last updated on .