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How to Spot and Avoid Investment Scams in New Zealand

MoneyHub have released an excellent video on Investment Scams.

There are a number of good tips in there. We encourage you to watch it by clicking on the picture below.

Scammers are constantly finding new tricks to try and fleece us of our hard earned money. I didn't believe that Geoff Bezos wanted to give me $250,000,000 yesterday but I do occasionally find myself half way through an email or article thinking to myself "this looks interesting" before realising "no it's a scam".

If your see an investment opportunity you are interested in we'd be happy to have a look at it for you to determine if its legitimate. Feel free to send a link to our email.

If you prefer to watch rather than read MoneyHub have published Investment Scams Targeting New Zealanders - The Definitive Guide

We encourage you to browse the MoneyHub website and perhaps sign up for the free MoneyHub weekly newsletter. They provide a wealth of useful information on a wide range of money related subjects. The article on the True Cost of Owning a Cat in New Zealand may not interest you but perhaps the one on Travel Insurance will.

Investments, Research, Scam

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