Posted in How to Invest.

Why You Might Want To Adopt A Bearish Mindset

At the best of times the share market is a volatile creature, it can drop in a matter of moments and wipe out billions of capitalization value… and then create billions again a day later.

Bear on a pile of cashThe typical investors approach to investing is to adopt a bullish approach; usually driven by share prices rising and confidence being high. That is, they chase the high flying performers. Recently markets have generally been pretty positive, which encourages that mindset, but there is turmoil on the international political scene.

It may be prudent to adopt a bearish mindset instead. A bear market is one in which prices are dropping and there is a negative feel to the economy. This decreases investing activity, which actually creates a self fulfilling prophecy. The market goes down because people expected it to, and then they took their money out and made it go down further…and on it goes.

The reasons for perhaps considering a more conservative mindset are:

In times of uncertainty it is often best to adopt a bearish mindset where volatility and market corrections are to be expected, and do in fact present opportunity to invest further in good but undervalued assets.

Shares, Managed Funds