About Us

Posted in Life the Universe and Everything.

Aged Concern New Zealand

ageconcern logoAge Concern New Zealand is a charity dedicated to people over 65, their friends, and whanau.

They promote dignity, well being, equity and respect and provide expert information and support services in response to older people's needs.

They are active and vocal on relevant issues and work to ensure older people stay connected with their family, friends and community.

Local Age Concerns throughout New Zealand are the first port of call for older people in their communities. Age Concerns offer expertise and knowledge of all available services for older people as well as social activities.

Age Concern New Zealand provides national support to local Age Concerns. Age Concern New Zealand also informs the government and other national bodies on issues of concern for older people.

If you, or anyone you know, needs their help please contact them.

Below are some pamphlets and posters Aged Concern have produced

More About Aged Concern


